Sunday, June 5, 2011

Farmer's Market

Friday I went to two local markets and had such a good time.  The first was a small market called New Roots for Refugees.  The people are taught to grow food for themselves and enough to sell so they can learn to be self-sustaining.  This was a great market for greens and I really feel it is one that I can support long-term.  You can read about New Roots for Refugees here.  This is what I came home with:

There are white turnips which are melt-in-your mouth smooth, radish, dill, collards, kale, Muchichu which is some type of green, cilantro, and purple and green kohlrabi.

That evening a couple friends and I went to the Bad Seed Farm market in downtown KC.  That was a lot of fun! Sheep cheese, Local-bucha, greens, peas, turnips.  Next door the owners of a new soon-to-open vegan restaurant was handing out samples.  This wasn't just a Dixie cup but a dessert-sized plate with nice helping of three types of fare.  OMGsh!  It was delicious!  I put my name on the emailing list!

If you have local farmer's markets please visit them.  It's nice to know that what I bought was grown a mere 10 to 15 minutes from my own home.  And these are worthy of our support instead of big-box stores where food comes from where?  They used what type of chemicals?  Who am I supporting with this purchase?  Well, you get the picture, now do you really get the BIG picture?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Morning Guest

This was such a pleasant start to my day.  This sweet little bird was perched outside the living room window with Mama and Papa Robin chirping away in the nearby tree.  

This is Pumpkin also seeing the baby Robin outside the window.

And Strat is seeing the baby Robin, though he isn't quite as interested as Pumpkin.

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