Thursday, December 30, 2010

Score at the Store #2

Today I decided to go to a local Asian market.  Did I ever score!  WooHoo!  I found fresh/frozen seaweed, sea weed jelly, almost one pound Shiitake mushrooms for under $3, one pound Oyster mushroom for $3, 1 pkg Crab mushroom, 1 pkg White Beech mushroom, two pounds baby bok choy, one pound Persian cucumbers, two pounds Small Gai Choy, Chinese eggplant, and one purple-flesh sweet potatoe.

I don't believe the sea weed jelly is the same as Kelp noodles, but we had a language barrier that made it difficult to describe what I was needing.  The sea weed jelly is made from sea weed extract, Aloe Vera Gel powder, water, sodium alginate, salt.  It looks like kelp noodles but it isn't.  

I can't wait to use the mushroom in some delicious recipe!  I couldn't believe the price!  I know the bok choy won't be good in a green smoothie, but maybe in a raw stir fry or raw soup with a Miso base.  THEN!  As if this bounty wasn't fantastic enough, I bought a case of nine young coconuts for $14!!!!  Yahoo!  I'm going to crack one open this afternoon during my cleaning break.  Happy dance!


I want to thinly slice, season and dehydrate the eggplant for delicious crackers.  I will be sure to take pictures of that treat!  The Bok Choy will go into spring rolls or raw Miso soup.  The mushrooms I may just eat as is, but spring rolls or chopped into a kale salad would be so good!

The coconuts are good as they are, but I will have to look up some pudding or smoothie drinks using young coconut meat.

It is so hard to shop at the Asian market without spending too much. I could easily blow my budget!  Pictures of the delicious meals made from today's Score at the Store coming soon!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Procrastination=Stress & Frustration (PSF)

Ugh!  I hate it when I wait until the last minute to do something.  Unfortunately, some of my best work comes from waiting, but along with it comes the stress and frustration.  Those three things combined are a dangerous affliction known as PSF.  It often leads me to eat uncontrollably and generally it isn't going to be anything healthy!

After two years of green smoothie-ing and eating high raw, why do I still reach for comfort foods?  It is getting easier to choose not to eat anything at all but there are those days when nothing but junk will do it.  I know it's all in my mind, but come on!  How is it all so wired in my head that I need a Snickerdoodle to push the stress down?  It really all was taught to me by my momma.  If I had a bad day at school (I often did) she medicated with food.  She taught me to eat when stressed.  I won't go into the kinds of food she fixed me with so suffice it to say it wasn't good.

So when I procrastinate I pretty much set myself up to subconsciously eat.  And that is usually what happens.  My brain puts my body into auto-pilot mode and I have eaten half a bag of chips before I realize I don't even like BBQ chips!

I'm going to work on changing that.  The next initiative in the "Hab" is called Resolve to Evolve.  That is what I plan on doing.  Working on getting more exercise into my day and removing the auto-pilot from my way of thinking.  Procrastination is something that will be ongoing simply because I am a great procrastinator!  So, for those of us suffering from PSF, let's work on removing the "P" because that will get rid of the S&F!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Brussels Sprouts Don't Have To Be Gross!

Tonight I felt like eating some of the delicious Brussels Sprouts I bought over the weekend.  There are several recipes online for Brussels and some kind of fruit.  My favorite combination is Brussels with pears. It's a great combination of crunch and sweet.  Tonight I wanted to add something extra.

I chopped enough raw Brussels Sprouts to fill my bowl, then diced a half a pear and added it to the bowl.  There were some sliced almonds that sounded nice so a small handful was thrown in.  For the dressing I added Coconut Aminos, about 3 Tablespoons, 3 Tablespoons or so of Raw Agave, a glub of Udo's Oil. Mix it all into the chopped Brussels and pear.  For a topping I added Rice Seasoning which is a mixture of sesame seed, salt, sugar, and seaweed.

Obviously, the Rice Seasoning isn't raw and it contains sugar.  But the amount I added was nominal, about 1 - 2 teaspoons.  It adds a nice Oriental/sushi flavor.  I found this seasoning at the local Oriental market.  There were several to choose from and the price was right.

I gotta say, it was a totally satisfying dinner.  I hope I can remember the recipe!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Raw Food Gifts

This year, along with a lot of people, our family is tight on the budget and Christmas will not be made of many store-bought items.  Our kids will get one item they really wanted and then I am sewing and painting.  For family, my brother and his family and for my dad I plan on creating raw food treats.  If I write this down I will be more likely to accomplish what Is on the list.  I will add pictures as I make these treats.

Spicy Cheez Kale Chips

Cauliflower caramel popkorn

raw caramel turtles

raw nut/seed energy squares (some will be dipped in raw chocolate)

onion flax crackers

I may add more goodies, depending on how much time I have next week.  My main problem is going to be not eating this yummy food straight out of the dehydrator!  These are gifts!  These are gifts!  Not for me!  :o(

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Couple Days Off

Sunday was a binge day.  An unfortunate binge day that spilled into Monday.  It wasn't good raw foods I binged, either.  Cupcakes from our surprise 25th Anniversary party, Cheeto Balls, no water or green smoothies,  no herb teas, just sugar and junk.  I'm tired today.  And as I write my little blog post today I am sipping a green smoothie, heavy on the greens.

I guess I "needed" a binge without guilt.  But I am a bit bummed with myself because I really wanted to rawk out the last week of the Falling Into Raw Initiative in Raw Food Rehab.  I still have four days to rawk it and that is exactly what I'm going to do!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Score at the Store!

It was already a long morning shopping for groceries.  We're expecting yucky weather and my husband didn't want us to be short on supplies.  So there I am in the crowded grocery stores (yes plural; habit learned from my mom) wandering around without a list.  It is so very dangerous to go without a list!  I'm navigating the aisles at Sam's Club when I round the corner and see... 2 pounds of Medjool Dates on sale for $4.50 each!  Holy sweet tooth, Batman!  I grabbed three and wished I could get more.  Joy and rapture!  Medjools!!

And as if that wasn't a surprise, Aldi had Sunflower Seed Bread and Whole Rye Bread for .89!  No wheat!  Talk about blessed!  If this bread tastes good I'll have to head back and grab some more.

Now I need to think of things to do with the dates.  They are too delish to just throw in my smoothies.  Today for my shopping excursion and I took the pits out and replaced them with Brazil Nuts.  That way I'm not hungry and therefore too weak to resist any sample temptations out there.  I have my green smoothie made with collards, bananas, and frozen peaches and Medjool treats to keep me going.  Maybe I'll get lucky and find more raw deliciousness in the stores!  I really enjoy scoring big at the store!  It's like winning the lottery!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sugar and Headaches

Lately I have become more aware of how certain cooked foods make my body feel.  It is usually within an hour of eating something that all of a sudden I am acutely aware of not feeling quite right, sometimes almost sick.  It has been a two-year journey to get to this place of food/physical well-being awareness, of putting a food with how I feel later.  Raw Food Rehab has taught me a lot in this past year alone and I am so grateful to have found this site.

What I have discovered is how I feel after eating wheat and sugar.  I end up with the mother of all headaches that lasts up to two days.  Nothing helps it go away except my body's process of eliminating the offending food.  This article was very interesting Sugar's Effect on Your Health.  I was surprised all the different health issues sugar causes the body.  This includes corn syrup.

The other day I bought myself a treat, soft peppermint sticks.  I promptly ate three.  Yes, all in a row.  Within an hour my head was pounding and even my green smoothie couldn't take the edge off my discomfort.  Ugh!  I still, two days later have that headache!  (I ate another peppermint stick yesterday.  Just call me a glutton for punishment!)

Wheat affects my body as well.  I do not have Celiac's Disease but I do have wheat allergies.  This is going to sound weird (could I have any other kind of allergy but weird?), but wheat makes my left ear itch.  Not just a slight itch but a deep down-wake me in the middle of the night-itch.  It is miserable!  It isn't the worst allergy in the world but it is awful for me.  And it finally occurred to me last night that carbs break down in the body and become sugars!  OMGsh!  But sugar hasn't affected me this way before, why now?  I have been 95% raw vegan for nearly 11 weeks and putting those types of ingredients in me is having profound affects.  I can't explain how it feels to actually come to this kind of realization.  It's a big deal for me.

So, add to my list of Foods that Make Me Sick, sugar and wheat.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Today I am stronger than yesterday.  We had a party with the Special Needs SS class today.  Oh what fun we had!  I was strong and resisted homemade cookies.  Then we went to the pizza shop and I was strong and drank my green smoothie instead of eating the yummy-smelling pizza.

When I got home at 6pm I was SO HUNGRY!  We had a vegetarian soup last night for supper and there was still some leftover.  It sure filled the void!  I feel warm and full.

I FEEL STRONGER!  Today was easier than yesterday.  Tomorrow I will be stronger than today.  My strength comes from The Lord.  In Him I rest.


Sometimes I feel stronger in my food choices when I am around my friends than when with my family.  Maybe it's because my family sees the real me and know I have weaknesses but my friends only know about the weaknesses I tell them about.  They don't really get to see them for themselves.  I don't know.

Anyway, yesterday (Saturday) I was able to go to our ladies brunch at church.  It's always so much fun.  The tables are decorated by a hostess, using their own china, or paperware, decorations and candles.  Each table is an individual work of art!  I knew before going there would be food I just didn't want to eat so I packed a container of fruit salad and a 32oz bottle of green smoothie.

As brunch was served I felt my mouth water at the sight of the cinnamon coffee cake and mound of potatoe casserole.  I just stared at it, thinking, "Just one taste."  But I know me.  "Just one taste" would set of an entire day of eating foods that would not make me feel good later.  My friend next to me looked at me looking at my plate and she said, "You can't eat that, can you?"  "No, I can't."

To tell the truth, I could have eaten every crumb on that plate and been happy!  But the fact she knew I was eating to live gave me the strength to pull out my container, take my plate to a private corner and pour that beautiful fruit salad out.  When I came back to the table everyone was very interested in what was in that salad.  Here's was I threw together:  leftover raw cranberry relish, one Clementine and one kiwi.  It was beautiful and it tasted SO delicious.  I didn't miss eating that cake and casserole.  (I did take it home for my son to enjoy for lunch.)

My choice to eat my fruit salad gave me the strength to stay strong throughout (most) of the day.  I was able to talk to a woman at the table who was diagnosed with ARD (acid reflux disease) about drinking green smoothies.  Maybe she will try them, maybe she won't.  I did let her try my green smoothie, though I don't think she liked it much since they aren't as sweet as they were when I first began drinking them.

I did admit to my friend that this whole way of eating has been a two-year process.  I didn't just go cold turkey eating raw vegan.  I'm stronger today than I was four months ago.  It's easier today to choose a smoothie over chicken (most of the time).  It's easier to simply taste a piece of cake instead of shoveling a large piece in my face.

Every day I become stronger in my food choices.  Stronger in voicing my thoughts on eating raw vegan. I am stronger for me.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Conscious Choice

The past couple of days have been one conscious choice after another.  I'm cooking dinner for the family, will I choose to eat what I am cooking even though I am not hungry?  When I did finally feel hunger I had the choice of heating what I fixed for the family or eating a raw salad.  I chose the salad (raw cranberry relish).  

Today I realized my day has been a series of conscious choices of what to put in my mouth.  Chips?  No.  I don't like how I bloat from all the salt.  Bread?  No.  I don't like how it causes my allergies to flair up.  Leftover turkey (yes, we still have some turkey)?  No.  It upsets my digestive system.

So what did I choose?  I chose to make a pumpkin spice latte.  It has been warm and filling and delicious.  But I consciously chose to stay 100% raw today.  And that's the thing.  It has to be conscious.  If I mindlessly wander my kitchen cabinets and fridge I will unconsciously put food in my mouth that I don't really want or need.  I have to make a well thought out decision to stay raw.  No more floating through my food choices, not thinking about what I am doing.  

My new plan is to try to be very aware of what is in my hand heading in the direction of my mouth.  To think about what I'm doing and what I am eating.  How am I going to feel after eating ___?  Is it worth it?  Do I want to put my body through the uncomfortable physical issues?  Do I really want to play "catchup" with my health every time I choose to eat something processed or cooked or whatever it is, then go raw until I "feel good" again.

Here is a <blurry> photo of that delicious Pumpkin Spice Latte I chose to drink all day.  Very soothing and filling on a chilly December day.

Here is the recipe in case you want to try it.  The base of the recipe is from Penni Shelton of .

Pumpkin Spice Latte

1 1/2 cups Sunny Mylk (1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds blended in
     1 1/2 cups water)
1 cup Rooibos tea (I use Red Chai Masala Tulsi Tea)
Juice of 1 Pie Pumpkin
2 TBLS raw honey or sweetener of choice
1/4 to 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 to 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp Ceylon cinnamon

Brew the tea and set aside.  Juice the Pie Pumpkin.  Blend the Sunny Mylk.  Add the honey, pumpkin pie spice, vanilla extract and pumpkin juice into the Sunny Mylk.  Blend.  Add the tea and blend again.  If you have a high-speed blender, blend until it is warm.

Note:  The pumpkin will separate from everything if left to set.  Just a quick shake or stir mixes it all back together.
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